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21 Questions with Dean Brockman

1. Who were you named after? I'm not sure, to be honest 2. Least favourite food? Tofu 3. Favourite ice cream flavor? Butterscotch 4. Biggest fear? Failure 5. Favourite band/musician? Probably Tom Cochrane or Red Rider 6.
Dean Brockman

1. Who were you named after?

I'm not sure, to be honest

2. Least favourite food?


3. Favourite ice cream flavor?


4. Biggest fear?


5. Favourite band/musician?

Probably Tom Cochrane or Red Rider

6. Favourite hockey player ever?

Bob Gainey

7. Mountain hideaway or beach house?

Beach house

8. Favourite TV show growing up?

Gilligan's Island

9. Best Christmas present you ever received?

My sister bought me a baseball video game around 1980. I'd never seen anything like that before.

10. Favourite sound?

The buzzer after you've won a game

11. If you could have lunch with one person, living or dead, who would it be?

John F. Kennedy

12. You're stranded on an island. What three items do you bring?

Matches, water and food if we're talking practical things. But if not, then a cell phone, good book and a puzzle.

13. One place you'd love to visit but haven't yet?


14. Favourite article of clothing?

Bunny hug

15. Favourite movie?

The Shawshank Redemption

16. Who taught you the most about coaching?

On a personal level, Bob Beatty (former Broncos coach). He gave me understanding of the game, how junior hockey works. From afar, Mike Babcock. I love how he treats people and his personal interactions.

17. What job would you like to try other than your own?


18. What would you not like to try?


19. Dogs or cats?

Dogs. I have a little Yorkshire terrier Shih Tzu cross and a mutt up at the farm

20. Best player you've ever seen in the SJHL?

Brad Richards. (Richards played one season with the Notre Dame Hounds)

21. If you could coach any NHL team, what team would it be?

Montreal Canadiens.