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Ministerial message: Laughter, a type of medicine

A few weeks ago I was talking with the daughter of a beloved family friend. For privacy I will refer to the little girl as Suzy. Suzy is four years old and she was telling me how her favourite show was Peppa the Pig. Intrigued I asked her why.

A few weeks ago I was talking with the daughter of a beloved family friend. For privacy I will refer to the little girl as Suzy.

Suzy is four years old and she was telling me how her favourite show was Peppa the Pig. Intrigued I asked her why. She paused for a few seconds and said “because she makes me laugh!”

Curious to find out what she was talking about I decided to watch a few minutes of her favourite show. Sure enough a few minutes into the show, I could hear delightful and gleeful laughter coming from some of the animated characters. I smiled. Suzy was on to something.

The atmosphere of her favourite show projected into her little four year old world and made her feel like a million bucks. Even as an adult, the laughter from the show was affecting me positively too!

Scientific research has proven that laughter can strengthen the immune system, protect the body from the damaging effects of stress as well as diminish pain. No wonder Suzy keeps going back for more and more episodes of her favourite show! Each time she laughs, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals are released and she experiences an overall sense of well-being. Her mind and body are put into balance with a good laugh.

In the website it states that a good, hearty laugh relieves physical tension and stress, leaving your muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes after. It also says laughter improves the function of blood vessels and increases blood flow, which can help protect you against a heart attack and other cardiovascular problems.

With the world having been in a pandemic a little over a year, laughter seems to be less of a priority for people nowadays. But the health benefits laughter provides should make us consider looking for it now more than ever. The website suggests ways to bring laughter into your life: 1. Smile. 2. Count your blessings. 3. Bring humour into your conversations. You can even simulate laugher on your own without anything funny happening and it will still have the same positive effects on your body that real laughter could generate.

But does the Bible have anything to say about laughter too? Yes! Proverbs chapter 17 verse 22 says, “ A merry heart doeth good like a medicine:…” (KJV). In the Passion translation is says “ A joyful, cheerful heart brings healing to both body and soul…”

So even the Heavenly Father encourages us to be cheerful and laugh because it brings healing to both body and soul. Laughter is a medicine that is fun, free, and easy to use. The Bible also talks about how the Lord gives the oil of joy... and a garment of praise” for those who are mourning and those who are in despair.

God’s agenda for mankind is eternal life, life abundantly and to the full. Is this something you want to be a part of? I invite you to be part the eternal life experience by saying this prayer with me. “Heavenly Father, I confess that Jesus is Lord, and I believe in my heart that you raised Him from the dead. I repent of my sin. Forgive me, wash and cleanse me. I thank you that I can now be a partaker of your eternal life - which includes laughter and gladness.Thank you for saving me from a life of despair and putting me into a life full of your joy in Jesus name. Amen