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Ministerial Christmas message: A time to recognize our need of forgiveness and salvation

Four hundred years after Moses led Israel out of Egypt, David became Israel’s beloved King. God promised that a Son from David’s lineage would come whose kingdom would never end.

Four hundred years after Moses led Israel out of Egypt, David became Israel’s beloved King. God promised that a Son from David’s lineage would come whose kingdom would never end.

With details spoken by prophets throughout the generations, Israel came to understand that there would come a Messiah, a Savior, a Deliverer, a King. After the prophet Malachi had sharpened Israel’s anticipation, they expected that the next event in God’s unfolding story would be the coming of Messiah.

The nation waited another four hundred years with no new confirmation, then suddenly, the time came.

John the Baptist was announced and born. Jesus, the long-awaited Messiah was announced to Mary of Nazareth. Mary and her husband, Joseph made the journey to Bethlehem, and there in a humble stable, God’s Son, the Savior, Christ the Lord, entered the world He had created. God sent an angel to alert some local shepherds. He sent a brand new star to alert some eastern Magi. But the main thing is, He sent his Son.

The time came when the Savior came, and through his life, death and resurrection, salvation came. There must also come a time for you and me – a time when we recognize our own need of forgiveness and this salvation. A time when we invite this Christ to come in and be Lord within us.

“Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” — 2 Corinthians 6:2