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Abolish/rein in Supreme Court of Canada

Three recent decisions emanating from the Supreme Court of Canada show a disregard for equitable treatment for every Canadian.

Three recent decisions emanating from the Supreme Court of Canada show a disregard for equitable treatment for every Canadian. The ruling on doctor assisted suicide shows not only contempt for parliament and democracy, but delves into a moral/religious issue that they are not qualified nor informed to make such a contradictory life and death decision.

Another case is the striking down of mandatory minimum sentences for illegal gun possession. Now this shows disdain and disapproval for the protection of citizens as well as parliamentary rulings. Obviously public safety and security of the general public have no value.

The more absurd of their rulings is the one on public prayer at official civic functions. Wiping out decades or even centuries of tradition takes a lot of intestinal fortitude and disregard for our ancestors who settled and built this great land by prayer and hard work.

It would make more sense to abolish the SCC than our Senate. The Senate may be a joke in many Canadians eyes, but they do not present the threat to our essential freedoms as does the SCC. Whether you are a religionist or secularist you should be concerned about our rights and freedoms being put in the hands of a few.

We are certainly on the cusp of anarchy and a totalitarian state in Canada if we do not reign in this runaway train which is eroding every known freedom and right we have. Every citizen should be nervous and take action by making your voice heard. After all democracy as we know it is at stake.

Clifford Pyle
Saskatoon, SK.