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Marg Lizee

Annaheim, Sask.

My Stairway to Heaven

In my mind I see a long curving stairway

That goes on forever

At the top is a beautiful gate

Surrounded by a choir of angels

Each step represents a day in our lives.

For some of us the steps may be few.

For we never know when God’s unseen hand

Will reach out to lead one of his children home.

For others the steps are many, where there will be:

Happiness, the steps are shallow and easy to climb.

At times steep and worn because of sorrow or pain.

Along the way, we are tempted to do things that cause us

to fall back a few steps, on our way through life.

But with God’s help we get up, and again start to climb.

Then one day, on a special step, without warning

You’ll hear that angel choir, and see that beautfyl gate open.

To be guided in by God’s hand, where the lame will walk

and there will be peace, and freedom from pain.